The majority of tweets on Twitter that mentioned Jethro's were about the great food and dining experience. Tweets mentioned a large variety of the foods Jethro's offers and many tweets included pictures. I was able to analyze tweets dated back to February 6. One Jethro's fan was excited to post a funny picture about the flying pig toys they received from the restaurant.
The band Timeflies played a show at People's Court in Des Moines yesterday, and sent out a tweet asking fans for suggestions on where to eat. Three individuals replied with suggestions for Jethro's. One even claimed it was the best BBQ in the state.
One of my favorite tweets about Jethro's:
One Jethro's fan was inspired to create his own chicken waffle fry nachos:
Negative tweets about Jethro's were rare. One customer praised the BBQ rub, but claimed the waitress had man hands and used the hashtag #notattractive. Another said she was very excited to be at Jethro's, but wasn't very excited for the 40 minute wait.
Facebook had similar messages.
One upset customer posted on JethrosBBQDrake's page:
And just to make a quick note on that - it looks pretty bad that whoever runs that page did not respond to that individual. It gives the impression that Jethro's doesn't care about customer service. Another fan asked if Adam Emmenecker completed his own challenge, and that post did not have a response either.
On the Jethro's BBQ page they created a post asking fans what their favorite thing at Jethro's is that warms them up. Several fans posted their favorite foods, with one suggesting they wished they delivered.
Although this page does better at interacting with fans, in some cases there is a lack of response that is not ideal. Here is an example of such a post:
#Jethros is the only hashtag that was prevalent among tweets. #yum or #yummy was also used a few times, but would be a waste of time to monitor, as it is a very broad hashtag.
There are four pages of tips about Jethro's on Foursquare. They are all good tips and on many hundreds have completed them. There are a lot of good sources that have posted tips, including the Travel Channel, Drake University and Des Moines Metromix. Two of the tips are included below and were chosen because they included appealing pictures. There are a total of 34 pictures for Foursquare users to view.

2,231 people have checked into Jethro's BBQ, for a total of 4,849 check ins.
I searched the term "Jethros" and found it had one percent strength. This means there is a one percent chance that this term is being discussed on social media. It is calculated by the number of phrase mentions in the last 24 hours divided by the total number of possible mentions. The analysis showed an 8:1 sentiment, which is the ratio of generally positive to generally negative social media posts. There was a measurement of 42 percent passion. Passion is defined as the likelihood that the users who are talking about the brand will do so repeatedly. This high score indicates there is a small group of passionate advocates that talk about the brand in a positive way often. There was a 36 percent measurement of reach, indicating that Jethros does have a decent range of influence in the social media world. It's the number of unique authors referencing Jethros divided by the total number of mentions.
It showed there was an average of one tweet about Jethros per hour, the last mention was four hours ago, there are 268 unique authors and six retweets.

The hashtag usage confirms what I found on Twitter - not many people who tweet about Jethro's use hashtags. It was also very interesting to browse the top sites for sources about Jethros posts.
The competition (via and
I compared Jethro's to Woody's Smoke Shack, Smokey D's BBQ and Flying Mango.
2,130 following
1,371 tweets
#111,493 of top 100 twitter users
Woody's Smoke Shack
1,582 following
573 tweets
#122,235 of top 100 twitter users
Smokey D's BBQ
1,240 following
670 tweets
#124,311 of top 100 twitter users
Flying Mango
Flying Mango does not have a Twitter account.
Here is a summary of the Facebook account comparison:
As you can see, Jethro's greatest competitor is Smokey D's BBQ. It has more likes than Jethro's with 2,377 over Jethro's 1,803. It's rank is also higher at 829,576, with Jethro's being at 1,002,615. However, you can see that over the last three months the Jethro's Facebook account has had a significantly higher amount of growth than the Smokey D's account, which is good.
10 terms Jethro's BBQ should be monitoring on social media:
- Jethros
- Catering
- Des Moines restaurants
- Drake
- Barbeque
- Jethro's
- Woody's Smoke Shack
- Smokey D's BBQ
- Flying Mango
These social media terms will help Jethro's find opportunities to interact with social media users and promote their brand. They can also learn from what their competitors are doing, whether it's how they interact with their fans on social media or what coupon deals they have going on.
I enjoyed monitoring social media for Jethro's and was very happy to find that they are doing a pretty good job. Most fan's posts are positive which provides a huge benefit to their brand and products. Word-of-mouth via social media sites is huge. However, Jethro's could do a better job of interacting with fans on both Facebook and Twitter. They need to respond to fans/customers as often as possible, making a point to interact with those who create negative posts.
Also, I apologize for the crappy formatting on here... it drives me crazy too.